Tag: exposed beams

Chronicling my adventures restoring and updating a quirky old Philadelphia rowhouse

Back to real work: The crooked teeth wall

You remember I said I had to cut notches for 5 beams at the other wall in my kitchen? Well, the Irishman did it. He did the same thing I would have done, but probably 3 times as fast. I’m not a master carpenter Here’s how it worked. First the piece at the top of…
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Kitchen Drywall Resumes: The Hardest Part

So my kitchen is coming together. The sink and interior doorway walls are mostly done, but the fridge/stove and patio door walls are not. You might remember this framing for the soffit on that side. Gotta love the crookendess, right? So to resume work in the kitchen I started with building this:

Kitchen progress: I’ll oil your beams.

Not really. I’ve put a moratorium on a few things including working on other people’s houses and clothes shopping since I bought the Crooked House. And another pair of work pants just fell apart this week. So before we talk about actual work I have a story that’s too good not to share. I was…
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Kitchen: Sorta a room now

This weekend I got about half as much done as I had hope to. How many of you are surprised? Believe it or not, the Irishman is. You see, everything in the house is so crooked and wonky that he underestimated what he was up against. Scribing and cutting 2×3’s into wedge shaped shims everywhere!…
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Planning Post Part 2: Making the Cabinets Fit

Now we’re on to the part that’s (maybe) fun to plan. Fitting in the things that actually make it a kitchen.

Planning the Kitchen Part 1: Door and Window Openings

Yep, it’s coming soon! Well my kitchen walls are anyway. I have a LOT of small things to take care of first, one of which is planning obsessing over important imperceptible details. Yeah, I found a little more complication in the midst of blitzing the finish work, but for better or for worse, I brought…
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It’s never too early to make aesthetic choices

Actually I’m making decisions now because I have to. And by that I mean reclaimed lumber is on sale at Philadelphia Salvage for this week so if I decide things now I’ll save a lot of money. Here’s the a sketch looking into the kitchen from the living room. I don’t know if you could…
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