Succumbing to the Repo Man

Chronicling my adventures restoring and updating a quirky old Philadelphia rowhouse

Succumbing to the Repo Man

I had goals of fiscal responsibility. Finance the renovation completely out of pocket. And when that failed, pay off the credit card while it’s still interest free. And when that failed, transfer the balance. It seemed like my scheme to give the banks $0 of interest payments was gonna work. And then I had to take my car to pasture. Camden Iron and Metal gave me 8 cents a pound for it, or $269.

Pontiac at Scrap yard.jpg

This time around I wanted a small car that would fit down my street and it had to be a hatchback. I got a shiny red one in honor of the old car.


And so, another credit card. And all this was still fine. Yes, I took a vow of poverty, but I was making it work. That is until I saw what I owed the IRS.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Anyways, they’ve taken the car back. And to cover depreciation, they came for my personal property. Thank God the couch doesn’t fit through the door. I at least have some place to sit.


Well, I’m sure eating crow now. That’s what I get for thinking I could be debt free AND enjoy the trappings of a middle class lifestyle. From now on I’d better just let it show that I’m house poor. At least my parents are letting me borrow their Lexus.


No Responses

  1. Chris harris says:

    Fiscal irresponsibility doesn’t sound like you so I’m hoping this is an April Fools post!

  2. Barbara H. says:

    Oh yes, April Fool? I sure hope so.

  3. curt says:

    I fell for it last year. You gotta watch Chad – this story is as Crooked as his house. There goes your dreams of being an UBER driver.

  4. Goldnrod says:

    LOL! April fools!

  5. Joking Chad? Having been close to complete financial meltdown historically I would sympathise but I guess this is April fool?

  6. Thank goodness this is (probably) a joke! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. scottsabode says:

    I remembered from previous April Fools posts of yours! I was taken in until the IRS. Happy April Fools to you!

  8. Jo says:

    Phew! Your post gave me a stomachache until I read the comments. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

  9. Good one! You had me going for a bit, until I saw the couch pic. I was like wait a minute… it doesn’t help to be reading this over a month late.

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